
Stark White

The ride was bumpy, people in white coats running back and forth to bandages and air machines. Lucy's nose and mouth were full of tubes, she looked all plastic and morbid, the stark white sheets of the stretcher stained with blood. Penelope lay on a stretcher next to her they were itchy and the only thing comforting on the trip to the hostbitable. Penelope looked over to Lucy her face was rearranged and the beeping machine with lines was decreasing.

The rescue mobile jolted forward then stopped. They threw open the double doors and entered the hostbitale she and Lucy separated they took her to the ER and Penelope to a plain white room so white everything that entered the room was immediately washed out, it seemed dark and cold to Penelope, this room was for those who were going to survive.

Doctors with masks and gloves and sharp tools started poking at Lucy, debating what to do...dead or alive. The beeping machine dropped severely...then stopped. They stopped poking and her chest froze......she was officially dead.

A nurse walked in with some applesauce and...her parents. Penelope closed her eyes and pretended she was dead, for she would be shortly. The nurse informed her parents on what happened and said she'd be able to leave tonight, she only had a few cuts. Her mother knelt beside her, her mother's eyes screamed mixed emotions; pity, disappointment, terror, sadness. Her father stand, unreadable, hiding his emotions, like a conservative father should, it's like he didn't even care. They lectured and mumbled, but Penelope only saw there mouths moving, no words coming out she could hear was Lucy's scream, and her beautiful voice ruptured by the high pitch. The sirens and doctors voices permanently embedded in her ears. The scene kept replaying over and over again in her head.

Nurses and doctors morn...they failed, they identify the girl as Lucille Bueliegh and alert her parents, but they already know, there talking on fox news to the nation about the tragedy, Fox reporter something or anther shuffles around with his mike and scratches his tuepay'. The camera lights are bright, he wants to go home. Mrs. Bueliegh is sobbing, her water proof mascara is no match for tears. Jonas flip through channels on his TV and Lucy's face appears in his mind and the television, he thinks of their kiss and is thankful. He turns his head to the TV and sees Lucy's mom. Another pair of watering eyes appears, Jonas's. He watches intently the television pouring and melting and crying. And drunken football players are unaware of they're catastrophe as they strip down they're bed buddies.


ellie said...

there is so much I like about this scene. the intensity of it and rush and so on.

Perhaps the last 2 paragraphs were rushed. You might want to break those down into two seperate entries. You know..let us see whats going on with Jonas..and then he sees the news ..that emotions..

And then the oblivance (which I'm sory I cannot spell) of the footballers. Its only a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

this is so sad i love it and i agree with ellie the intenity of this is great and also love the music on this blog:)

Anonymous said...

wow. this is insane. i love it.

Leilah = LoVE♥ said...

Noooooooo!! That is very sad that I had to say no with lots of o's.
Tragediness is awesome to read but very sad to feel.